

 The love of God has hands and feet.

Your gift fills those hands and fuels the beautiful feet of those who bring Good News!

Consider partnering with us as we build the church in the 10/40 window and other parts of the world.

What happens when you support us?

When you give financially to AFC you are:

  • Giving biblical training to young people through AFC University

  • Sending our students to remote villages during practical phases of their schooling

  • Planting churches with our graduates

  • Teaching and discipling children of slaves and ex-slaves in Pakistan through our elementary school

  • Freeing families bound by slavery in Pakistan

  • Digging wells in villages

  • Giving the knowledge of Christ to the lost

Prayerfully consider joining us in our mission to train the church and free the bound.

 Together, we can reap a harvest for Christ.


 Here are some ways you can donate:



Make a tax-deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone:

It's easy to donate offline too. 

Tel: 360-344-2223

Estate Planning:

We are able to receive stock certificates as well as vehicles, watercraft, aircraft and real estate/estate donations.

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